Our Services

How We Help

Do All Things Children’s Circle, Inc., currently operates two programs: Project Elevation and our new Look, Listen, Learn & Lunch Initiative. Our Project Elevation started at our inception in 2016, where we mentor at-risk children, ages seven to 17, through the performing art of drama/theatre, singing, pageantry, modeling, dance, and oral expression. Project Elevation is our summer program where we are also able to incorporate academics as continuing education during the summer months.

Look, Listen, Learn & Lunch Initiative is an extension of our Project Elevation program, where we give our participants an avenue to travel and explore venues in Mississippi (and surrounding states) such as museums, theaters, courtyards, open air concerts, parks, performing art studios, and culinary kitchens. These venues are not located in rural Holmes County, Mississippi. Our initiative enables us to take our participants to where these venues are. This is a year-round program.

Do All Things Children’s Circle’s mission is: “To Help Create Self-Sustaining Young Folk.” And we are accomplishing this by playing an intricate role in a child’s development, as well as his/her mental health, through the arts. Our strategy is to expose and instill self-worth, self-esteem, a sense of reasonability and respect for themselves, and others, through every form of the arts that we can.